Sunday, November 15, 2009

time for myself

since that little incident with the feds, I'll definately be on lockdown for a long ass time. But it's all good cause you could bet your little butts i've been sneaking out to hit up the parties >;]
my objective while grounded are to focus on school work and track, and hopefully next thing you know I'll be ungrounded and roaming the streets again.
Since i can't party unless given the oppurtunity to sneak out, ive been reading and writing again. I read: in their shoes; extraordinary women describe their amazing careers by deborah reber. Simon Pulse publishing company mailed it to me because I emailed them after reading a few of their books and they thought i was soo ambitious for doing so.
After reading that, I finally figured out what I want to do. Magazine Journalism, and or Advertisement. and they both make bank and I have a passion for writing, so it'll all work out. And so, if I can't pursure my degree for such careers at Duke, I'll do it at Syrcause, Brown, Boston Univeristy, or the university of chicago. Whoever is willing to take me in for free.
Now back to the AP english homework. I just wanted to update you guys.

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